Part 1: Touching Love Stories Featuring Real Couples That Will Surely Melt Your Heart


By Akriti Aggarwal Last Updated:


Part 1: Touching Love Stories Featuring Real Couples That Will Surely Melt Your Heart

In today’s fast-paced world, it is difficult to find a genuine person whom you can love and care for fully. People everywhere are losing their trust on relationships and the actual meaning of the word LOVE seems to have lost its meaning. But, it is truly heartening to see that even today there are some people who believe in the institution of marriage and truly and deeply care for their partners, thereby not letting us lose hope on the amazing phenomenon that is known as love, genuine relationships, and madly care for each other.

While you all will have your own sweet love stories, we have compiled for you the best love stories on the internet for you to read and get set to go ‘Awww’. So, read on and get set to be attacked by a fresh wave of mushy feelings!

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#1. Who says love can happen only once?

"We met in 1975 on a modelling assignment and started seeing each other a few weeks later. The next few years were great -I was madly in love with him, but as life would have it, I’m Muslim, he’s Hindu and his parents weren’t okay with us getting married. In 1979, they started showing him girls for arranged marriage. One day, when we were supposed to meet, he didn’t turn up and it was only after I spoke to him on the phone the next day, that I realised that it was because he had agreed to get engaged to someone else — he said that he was tired of fighting with his entire family. I felt awful…I wanted to kill him, but I maintained my dignity and walked away with grace. That was the year we both got married to different people…and I thought that was the last of it."

"Years passed by — I had two children and an entirely different life. Even though I had so many mutual friends with him, I never saw him — we both wanted to respect each other’s new lives and happiness. Ofcouse we thought of each other, there are times when you can’t help but think because there was so much love at one point, but none of us ever did anything about it — all I knew this entire time was that I’d never truly stopped loving him. As fate would have it, both our marriages didn’t work out and after 7 years we met at a common friends party. Even though we were both alone, we both just assumed that our partners were travelling or couldn’t make it. But destiny has a funny way of bringing what’s meant to be together — we both bumped into each other at the family court — her hearing was at 12, mine was at 12:30 and we were both appointed the same judge and counsellor. We saw each other and asked a very stupid question — ‘what are you doing here?’ but that’s how it all began again. We picked up exactly where we left off — none of were bothered about the past, who’s fault it was, what the reason for our divorces were — we were only concerned with the future…our future. I wasn’t going to let her go the second time around, so one day when we had gone out for a walk at Turf Club, at the age of 37 I asked her to marry me…and she said yes!

We got married in 1991 and had our son in 1992 and ever since then the five of us have been one, big happy family. I guess our life together was written, and no amount of time or distance apart could have changed that."

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#2. When love does not hamper your dreams

"My father was a freedom fighter, and my whole life I’ve wanted to be like him— to make a difference for my country. Even though I’m a certified doctor, my heart always longed to serve the country.

A major event that happened early on in my life was meeting my partner — I found my entire world in one person. What started off as an innocent attraction turned into a lifelong bond — at 18 we knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together and our parents didn’t approve so we set out on our own since then.

He knew that I wanted to empower myself and do something for the country so as a stepping stone, he began to train me in martial arts. We would go to work all day and at night train until sunrise…with every passing day I felt more independent and powerful. I wanted to become a commando trainer and I was so determined that I trained harder than ever before."

"Once, when my husband and I were in Pune we passed a group of army men who were training in the morning. We approached them, told them who we were and asked them if they would like us to demonstrate our form of training and they agreed. Since then, we haven’t looked back. We began to train army personnel all over the country and I became India’s first woman commander trainer.

As time went by and my commitment to this cause grew, my in-laws disapproved of me, the woman of the house undergoing such intense training and one day asked us to leave their home. My husband and I moved into this small clinic space, which is the only place we had at that but this is something that brought us even closer together. Those were difficult days— I’ve sold a lot of my jewellery to make ends meet but I have absolutely no regrets. I spent most of my youth in freezing high altitudes, scorching hot deserts, dense jungles and hostile LOCs and I loved every minute of it."

"It was sometime then that the conversation of starting a family came up, and after many healthy conversations my husband and I decided to adopt. I was at the peak of my career and I didn't even want to stop for a second, so this way we could balance our work and the child without having to give anything up. We adopted our little girl, who is now a doctor and what can I say…she makes us proud every single day.

So while I am a doctor, I pride myself on the fact that since the past 20 years I have trained without any compensation over 20,000 Indian soldiers from every elite force including the NSG BlackCats, IAF Guards, Indian Navy Marcos, BSF and many more. In fact, after the 26/11 attacks, I was called in to train the police of 16 cities. There have been many lows in my life — on the family front, on the health front — I’ve been injured multiple times and on the financial front as well…but I didn’t stop.

Often I hear that we live in a male dominated society, but I have never let my gender come in the way of what I wanted to achieve. My husband and I have always been equals and that's why we're so strong -- from work to family we're equally invested in both. As a society, that's how we evolve -- by having strong, independent women who are supported by strong, independent men as equals -- two halves who can take on the world together."

#3. Rising above religion/ caste differences

"I was a student of Wilson college. During my first year itself I was part of a managing committee and we had to elect the secretary of our committee. There were two candidates, one Maharashtrian and one Gujarati running against each other, and because I was Maharashtrian everyone assumed I’d vote for the Maharashtrian candidate. Instead, I voted for the Gujarati candidate because I thought he deserved my vote and was more capable then anyone else. That little vote of mine created quite a stir and I still remember the day when a meeting was called and that particular candidate insulted me in front of everyone calling me a traitor and blaming his loss on me! That didn’t sit right with me at all, so instead of being shunned, I marched into the principal’s cabin and told him how disappointed I was that our college was being divided based on our religious communities. I said we were all students, where did the question of religion come in? He immediately summoned him to his office and asked him to explain himself, at which point he apologised to me, but I was not okay with just that. He insulted me in front of everyone, so he had to apologise to me in front of those people as well…and that’s exactly what he did."

Through this whole time, that Gujarati candidate and I ended up spending a lot of time together because the principal would call us all to his office, or we had to explain ourselves to different groups of people. Even after this whole controversy died down, we used to meet and he was such a gentleman— I fell for him. I remember him telling me, ‘you stood up for something when you were so new to college, you’re so principled and fiercely independent…it was hard not to fall in love with you!”

On being quizzed about what was their happiest memory together

"There have been many since then ofcourse, we’ve been married for 62 now but I think our dating days are irreplaceable. Back then, we didn’t have a lot of extra money to spend…so we would wait a long time to watch one film, share a bucket of popcorn and then he would walk me home after. Even when we didn’t have money we would go to the beach or hanging gardens…but the thrill of spending those few hours with him is something I can’t even explain!"

When asked what has been the key to their relationship

"There has never been any ego… it has always been about love first. Giving up a few things, compromising or making adjustments are such small things when compared to love and that’s what these last 62 years have been about— knowing that love is bigger than everything else."

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#4. Because love can be found even in the smallest of things

"My father never allowed to work before marriage, but my husband was of the opinion that I should do something and not just sit at home. This Diwali, I decided to surprise him -- I made these beautiful lanterns for him to sell. So we both sit at the stall together after he finishes work -- he handles all the money, while I sell! The stall is doing so well, it feels amazing to contribute to our family income. My husband said that this is the best gift I've given him, and we're going to celebrate with some jalebis tonight!"

#5. Love always keeps you strong

"My feet are giving me a lot of trouble and the only place I can manage to walk to is this park. What’s even funnier than this problem is that at the exact same time, my husband also began getting severe pain around his ankle... so now both of us can barely walk! We waddle around together slowly, arm in arm like two idiots in the city."

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Weren’t all these stories truly filled with love and aww-inducing? Love surely has myriad forms, but whichever form it might take, it will always be very fulfilling for those two people who have sworn to be together forever! Do let us know your love story in the comments section below!

Images And Stories Courtesy: Humans Of Bombay
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