8 Ways To Get Naturally Straight Hair At Home Using Ingredients From Your Kitchen Shelf

We bring to you a few homemade hair straightening recipes that will come to your rescue and save you from hair damage and of course, a hole in the pocket!


By Neelam Jain

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#8. Guava Leaves And Henna

#8. Guava Leaves And Henna

You will be surprised to know that guava leaves are a miracle solution to make hair straight naturally at home. And when you add henna to this home remedy, it promotes hair growth and further softens and smoothens the hair. Rich in Vitamin B and C, guava leaves make the hair follicles strong and boosts collagen activities. Henna on the other hand, goes much beyond just providing a red tinge to your hair. Henna is versatile and can maintain your hair’s PH balance for healthy hair growth. Henna helps to seal moisture in the hair cuticles which gives you straight and lustrous locks.

Method: Take the henna and guava leaves in equal quantity and make a paste out of these using water, tea liquid or curd and make a thick paste. Apply the paste along the length of your hair starting from the roots. Once applied, keep it longer if you are using henna for the dye process. Let the pack sit on your hair for atleast an hour and wash the paste off thoroughly by rinsing with normal water. The leaves will work as a natural herbal powder to make your hair straight and shiny.

Well, girls, it’s time to tame your tresses without spoiling them with these home-made, safe and effective hair therapies and masks. Forget the tempting and expensive sessions at beauty salons and go for these natural treatments which will prove to be miraculous for your mane.

Next Read: 8 Popular And Easy Hairstyles That You Must Avoid To Get Rid Of Unnecessary Hair Loss

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